Ok, so I still feel somewhat unique...
Marissa is the #545 most common female name.
0.024% of females in the US are named Marissa.
Around 30600 US females are named Marissa!
Around 30600 US females are named Marissa!
Soooo... According to Name Statistics , my name is number 545 on the list. That's far enough down. Not THE most common name. Not the name with lots of dashes or apostrophes either. *SMILE* I'm still in a good place, not most popular, but still cool :o)
At July 06, 2005 11:26 PM,
Karla said…
Now that is hot i am going to bite this.
At July 07, 2005 10:36 AM,
CubanDiva said…
LMAO...okay Miss Unique. I bet my name was at the top of the list somewhere. lol
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